Design Principle

In a bid to bridge the gap between work and play, our design principle is squarely founded on an easy play and play structure that will give users a twain benefit of profits and fun in a wrap.

We believe that our initial emphasis on Casual Games is a policy that will foster user-friendliness in the gaming industry. Diagon's aim of deploying Casual Games is founded on the need to leverage the wide market within the gaming industry and extend the limelight to Casual Gaming for purposes beyond fun, leisure, and relaxation. The remodeling of our platform will feature:

  • Launching on other various platforms such as Android, iOS, and Desktop.

  • Creating an interactive, high-performance, disruption-free Casual Gaming experience.

  • Providing instant payment of rewards.

  • Extending a double player model to Casual Games as an option to Gamers.

  • Building a social community of global Casual Gamers, financially empowered by our reward structure as ably aided by a high-quality gaming environment.

  • Providing opportunities for interactivity and social engagement as drivers of increased game adoption.

Building on the Cardano Blockchain with a multi-chain launch to come in the nearest future, Diagon will extend her range of activities to being a global Marketplace where users can conduct daily transactions and exchange their digital collectibles. The reality of a platform based on crypto-linked services for individuals and organizations across continents connected in doing business and making transactions without fear of regulatory interference will be achieved.

Among other human longings are the ease of day-to-day transactions and the need for a universal wallet, viable for all monetary purposes. Through blockchain technology, Diagon is stepping in to cover market opportunities in the use of crypto as a part of everyday life, transaction, and process.

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